Posts Tagged ‘Children’s Mercy Hospital’

Brisan back in the ER

Jenn took Brisan back into the ER this evening. The last few days he has been very restless. He just had that look in his eyes that something wasn't right. This evening his skin was looking very “marbled” and his knees had swelling with redness (very warm to touch). Jenn stated this was similar look he had when he went into septic shock. Whatever infection he has been fighting (blood related) sure is giving everyone a run!
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Happy Birthday Brisan

Today Brisan turns 7 years old! Happy birthday son!

Unfortunately for him he has been in the hospital since Tuesday August 23. Tuesday morning he had thrown up a few times and developed a swollen jaw on his right side. Later in the afternoon he started to go into septic shock and was turning grey. I was in New York for work and it wasn't easy to try to get home quickly. Those were critical hours and was told that this could be it.
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Another Staph Infection?

Brisan at CMH 2-18-11

Brisan at CMH 2-18-11

On Saturday February 19th Brisan returned home from Children's Mercy Hospital. Jenn had taken him in on Wednesday evening with concerns form our carousel & his school nurse along with ours that something was going down. He had puffy cheeks, feet were swelling, and his abdominal area was pretty hard. Back in September, these were similar things that took place. We wanted to be cautious and even more proactive to prevent him from going into distress.

Jenn had asked for them to culture the inside of his g-tube hole but at the given time the consciences was that might not be the problem. Over the next day it did grow and sure enough it was another Staph infection. Along with that he has an upper respiratory infection of some kind going on to.

He is at home resting and appears he will be making a recovery with the antiobotics and game plan they've set fourth for us at home.

*Should be posting Parker & Duncan's birthday pictures soon! Also a news video of our family from a few years back.

Back Home

We were able to come home late last night (Tuesday). Brisan is feeling much better and we can finally see his right eye ball! We still have another few weeks of meds to make sure this staph infection in that eye is done.

Thank you to everyone that has continued to help in any small way. We are very thankful!

Keeping an “EYE” on it…

On Monday, I just was fed up with Brisan and the amount that he was sleeping. So I took him back to Children’s Mercy Hospital around 2pm. By 7pm the ED agreed that Brisan was in a ton of pain and needed to be readmitted to the hospital.

This afternoon Brisan has an eye exam and CT while under sedation. Come to find out, after more than a year, Brisan has an acute Corneal infection in his right eye. The doctors said that it is really bad and we are going to have to keep an eye on it (no pun intended). If untreated it can eat a whole through his cornea. So they are starting him on IV antibiotics along with steroids and a Morphine drip for the pain.

Hopefully this will open a ton of doors for Brisan and he will be able to see out of that right eye again! Now we just have to pray that there in no damage to his cornea and that he will cooperate with the medications that we will have to put in his eye until it is better.

Some new meds

Parker heading back to surgeryLast week was a very busy week. Brisan and Parker both started physical therapy at Children's Mercy Hospital. It is kinda of funny that they “started” when we went almost two years ago and told us that “they didn't know what they could help us on” and that “oh…Medicaid will pay for these for visits”. HA…that wasn't the case with Medicaid. The good part is they are getting additional therapy. That is what matters most.

Also they met with their new neurologist. They started the boys on a cataplexy drug this week as well which is one pill at night. It should help manage when they lose muscle control and fall. She also consulted with Dr. Marc Patterson on resuming the boys on Zavesca. So that will be started up again very soon! That stuff is pretty expensive (like 190,000 for both of them). It will be interesting when we will have to find new commercial insurance at the end of the year.

Brisan awaiting his turn

Parker's G-Tube Site

On Wednesday August 11th, Brisan and Parker had a minor surgery to remove the granulation tissue around their G-tubes. Starting next Wednesday they both will start school. For Brisan it will be Kindergarten! Big day for the big birthday boy this month. On the 27th he will be 6!  We still can't believe it!

Jennifer's Dad Tim purchased a swing set for the boys. Last Sunday we started putting that monster together! Now we know Brisan and Parker probably aren't going to be able to enjoy it like more traditional kids their age but hopefully they will find something they will enjoy. Duncan probably will! The neighbor girl was telling her mommy that “mommy they are building my swing set”. HA
