
“They Only Have A Childhood To Live A Liftetime

As a family we are grateful for the prayers and support of others around us. We are often asked “what can we help with” or “what can we do”. These are a few items that are ALWAYS in need at our home.

Please click on the links or images below if you'd like to “help” in this little way by purchasing one box to send to us. 

Pampers Sensitive Wipes



Underpad Chux's


Under pad Chux's
As a society we are somewhat familiar with common diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis, Multiple Sclerosis, and Muscular Dystrophy.  However, a name like, “Niemann-Pick Type C disease” leaves you wondering.

Brisan Stults April 2011As of now, there is no cure or effective treatment for NP-C disease.  Although medical research takes time, and funds are limited, research is making progress.  In the future, the lives of these precious children may be saved. Including our precious Brisan and Parker.

It can only happen through personal and corporate contributions towards NP-C research in pursuit of a treatment for this life-robbing disease.  Aggressive research into Niemann-Pick Type C disease will not only be the pathway to its eventual cure but it will also provide gateways into other related disease including other cholesterol-metabolism disorders such as atherosclerosis and stroke, as well as adult onset Alzheimer’s. There are other relations to Cystic Fibrosis, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and HIV-Aids. Could imagine the possibilities of an effective treatment?

Donate to the Niemann-Pick Children's Fund
Your help is needed now to save the lives of our precious Brisan and Parker, and all children afflicted with this disease around the world by unlocking the mystery of this and other storage diseases.

Parker Stults through his eyesThe Niemann-Pick Children’s Fund was created in honor, love, and hope for Brisan and Parker. Our goal is to do our part to support research through fundraising, promote awareness and education, give direction for support for other NP-C families through existing channels, and share how solving one disease can help solve many others. We are also sure that there is a bigger picture than we can see now.

Niemann-Pick Type C disease is classified as FATAL. With your kind financial donation we can change this to potentially curable and to help fund more grants for research! You can do this through PayPal or by the address below.

You have a couple choices on where you would like to donate.

We ask for your generous financial support and more importantly prayers for the lives of our sons.  Together we can make it happen!


Michael & Jennifer Stults


You have two options:


Donate to Brisan and Parker

Make a Donation

Donate to our 501(c)3 Non-Profit

Donate to Niemann-Pick Children's Fund



Niemann-Pick Children's Fund, Inc

Niemann-Pick Children’s Fund, Inc is a Missouri Tax Exempt 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation, directed by the Stults Family and its board members. Tax EIN #: 80-0317862.