Posts Tagged ‘niemann-pick family conference’

Eventful May

May was an eventful month in many ways. We had a little man in our home through foster care, PV Family Camp, and just over all busy to say the least. Now the month is over we no longer have any foster children in our home and probably are considering strongly of putting that on hold for the moment. Really to much drama associated with something that shouldn't be too complicated.

Our annual PV Family camp went very well. This year we were apart of the “team” helping get things organized and conducted. It was an enjoyable time for most of it. The weather cooperated which is always a bonus for all the families! The follow day after we arrived home our nurse of the past 4 months decided to quit without notice. Hopefully we will find the right person that will fit our needs soon and who will be respectful to our home and personal life.

Duncan started pre-k this week. They do a kindergarten round up for a month and he seems to be very excited! Brisan and Parker have been fairly OK. Just seeing the seasons of decline in some ways and then it hits you about how you don't have normal kids who do normal things who are not able to participate in anything that your friends kids are probably doing. Life seems so normal to  us but once in awhile it creeps up and smacks you up side the head.

We are considering attending the annual Niemann-Pick Family Conference this year but more than likely if we do, only one of us can go. Way to costly to fly the whole family plus a nurse with us. Sounds immensely stressful at this point. ha

Duncan Starts Pre-k

Duncan Starts Pre-k


Brisan & Parker at Church

Brisan & Parker at Church

