Posts Tagged ‘difficult breathing’
Autopsy’s In
Brisan Stults' Autopsy
Did you play the drum roll sound in your head? June 30th we had our meeting regarding the Autopsy of Brisan with CMH. That meeting consisted of a handful of individuals who cared for him that night and also who have been involved with our family in various manners.
Another step in the grieving process as that day approached. 16 weeks that vary day Brisan went to CMH in a blazing fast ambulance ride. Matter of fact… seeing an ambulance running “hot”… takes on a new meaning for us. Flashbacks of me watching them pull out of the drive way thinking to myself “there aren't too many more of these rides he is going to leave and come back” and for Jenn, experiencing the “ride” down there when CMH said “get here fast”. We live about 25 mins or so from the hospital.
As we put on our big boy “pants” and pulled into the parking garage not saying much to each other because of the tension we already felt of having to relive the night. The fear of what the answers may be and even the fear of not having any answers at all. Typically they aren't going to do an autopsy for kids with a rare disease like this. You know why they past away for the most part but not Brisan. Didn't seem to make sense although he was battered with Niemann-Pick Type C, there was something else that propelled him into his homecoming.
The Meeting
Over 2 hours we spent in that room going over how we have been, specifics of the report, and what can we do regarding Parker, our Mr. Stinky. Emotions ran high at times and other times we kept a calm outwardly approach in presentation of our feelings. Many tears were shed on different levels. The staff at CMH was nothing but professional with a huge vulnerability of wanting to know how we were; to cater towards how they can help us moving forward.
A few items we wanted to clear up was did he bleed internally? Did he have an issue from his Ileostomy surgery this past January? Did his red blood cells just “destroy” themselves in a rare occurrence? I mean, we are talking about Brisan here. Bubbas never did many things to the “normal”. He went from one extreme to another and he pulled out of those. We purely have to give God glory and thanks for those triumphs. A part of us was really worried March 3rd but Brisan had proven that we may just need that 2-3 week hospital stay to get feeling better.
Jenn was referencing at one point that Brisan past awayed 9 days before my birthday and I don't know why that was so impactful to me at that time but I nearly lost it. I pushed back my chair, head towards the ground while I tried to gather myself. That rush felt like an avalanche taking place racing up the top layer of my skin to the back of my eyes.