Posts Tagged ‘Parker Stults’

Parker’s Funeral Service & Eulogy

Tomorrow, February 23 will mark one month since Parker passed and went on to live free from his earthly body. In great joy for him and Brisan, it still leaves us very fragile and sad while we journey down this immense path of grieving. Our journey with Niemann-Pick Type C in some ways have ended but it still is a great part of our life story.

Below you will find Parker's funeral service & eulogy. We appreciate everyone that was able to make it out to celebrate Parker and show your support. We know that in just 10 months you'd be having the same thought of “weren't we just here?”. It took a lot of strength for you to come back for Parker and we appreciate that. As we continue life and attempt to find our new daily normal, it still seems strange to look over at their beds to know they are physically not here.

We want to thank the entire PV Staff for helping out with this.

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We Love You Parker!

Parker Stults Jan 4, 2015

Parker Jan 4, 2015

2 Weeks ago today Parker went home to see Jesus and Brisan. I like to say he is experiencing the ultimate vacation package. We can only imagine the joy he is having with no more Niemann-Pick and his earthly inabilities that prevented him from experiencing a typical childhood. They only have a childhood to live a lifetime is a very true and stark reality now that we’ve come full circle. What can we really say other than “did this really happen”? We love you Parker! No words can accurately describe how we are feeling right now. All this in under a year. Who would have thunk it.

Timeline of Events

Parker passed peacefully at home on Friday, January 23rd around 1:55pm. We were surrounded by our friends and family during this time. The room was eerily quite while Parker took his last few breaths which were few and far in between. As the morning started and progressed, so did his breathing which indicated to all of us that he was in big trouble with the reality of his homecoming in the distance future.  Read the rest of this entry »

5 Year Anniversary

Tomorrow August 8, 2013 will mark the 5  year anniversary of what we call “the phone call” regarding to Brisan and Parker's Niemann-Pick Type C disease diagnosis.

It seems that every year is going faster and faster as we move further into the the upcoming years knowing that time isn't on their side. However, we do have some good things to celebrate and not to make this post all about being sad. We will be moving soon to a new home that will allow us some positive situations. The down side is we will be giving up other things like the boys' school teachers, nurses, and even friends we became close with. The whole situation seems to be showing much favor for us. Duncan will be starting Kindergarten here next week! Their new school seems to be really “going to work” for us already. I hope that they keep that level of excitement in the upcoming future.

Since March I had started a new opportunity and have been focusing on leveraging my skills to be a key contributor to my team. Everyday I look forward to bringing my “A” game and putting a positive stamp on it. We've not had any foster kids in our home since Memorial Day weekend. It has been very nice most of the time not to have that additional responsibility… at least that is how I feel :).  Jennifer has stayed pretty busy herself.

~ Mike


Pulmonology and Cough Assist Machine

Man time really flies. It is so hard to believe that in this past few weeks we have celebrated Parker’s 7th Birthday and Monday is Duncan’s 5th Birthday. It seems just like yesterday we were bringing Parker home from the NICU and Duncan from the hospital. As you all know I go BIG for Birthdays around here. We had a “Jenn style” party for both Duncan and Parker last weekend. The theme was “the Lorax”. I have to say that I think this was one of my favorite parties yet. We had a great time with our friends and family even if there was like 60 people here!

The Lorax Party 2013

The Lorax Party for Parker & Duncan – 2013

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Quick Update on the Dudes

Brisan 2009

Brisan 2009

Just a quick update on what's been going on over here in our household. A few weeks ago we finally started with a new home health care agency for our nursing situation for Brisan and Parker. So far… so good. It is huge to us that we have this type of help. Unfortunately the process of acquiring a new nurse and finding that right person is beyond a full time job. Thus far, the agency has taken a customer centric approach which we haven't had that for years… literally. They just epitomize the definition of customer serve. We shall see, right? ha

Brisan and Parker are out of school now until summer school starts here in next month.  Duncan is just a blast. He just comes up with the funniest stuff. We talked about just making him a basic website where we can post his “Duncanism's” of the day. LOL

You know.. Niemann-Pick Type C disease (NPC) is such a roller-coaster of a disease… like many rare diseases and others that are more common. Everyone wants to know what the “path” is going to look like. Sadly, we just don't know either and explaining what that “looks like” can be taxing. I know for me personally I will say they are doing “fine” because it saves me from some long winded answer. The dudes surprise us everyday whether that is up or down in their situation.

Thank you to each of you for reading and keeping us in your prayers!

Birthday Video For Parker & Duncan

Just a quick video of all of us singing happy birthday to Parker & Duncan back on January 14th, 2012. Just another precious moment we wanted our family and friends to be able to view online if they were unable to attend.
