Posts Tagged ‘Funeral Service’

Parker’s Funeral Service & Eulogy

Tomorrow, February 23 will mark one month since Parker passed and went on to live free from his earthly body. In great joy for him and Brisan, it still leaves us very fragile and sad while we journey down this immense path of grieving. Our journey with Niemann-Pick Type C in some ways have ended but it still is a great part of our life story.

Below you will find Parker's funeral service & eulogy. We appreciate everyone that was able to make it out to celebrate Parker and show your support. We know that in just 10 months you'd be having the same thought of “weren't we just here?”. It took a lot of strength for you to come back for Parker and we appreciate that. As we continue life and attempt to find our new daily normal, it still seems strange to look over at their beds to know they are physically not here.

We want to thank the entire PV Staff for helping out with this.

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Brisan’s Funeral Service & Eulogy

Brisan Duncan Parker 2013

Brisan + Duncan + Parker | November 2013

We have had a few requests for the video of the service and also a copy of the eulogy that I gave at Brisan's funeral. What is most important to note is I had an abundance of people lifting me and our family up that knew I was going to speak. The majority of our support and family/ friends did not know this. I asked the Lord to help me, to give me strength and courage, and to guide me to deliver a great message. More importantly… get through it!

So glad that I had the opportunity to do so BEFORE all the video's and songs; otherwise may not have been able to finish and plan c would have been in affect. I so badly do not want to take credit. I just wanted God to use me.

The “Moment”

Over the past 4-5 years, I've had a handful of times that this moment of inspiration and excitement played through my head. I spoke about this in January to someone and before that it was at PV Family Camp last May 2013 that I “felt” motivated. That “moment” was always centered around on a stage, in front of a crowd, but the message was fuzzy. Wasn't for sure what that meant other than the “outcome” of the message was meant to be inspiring and motivational. Another one of those moments of…I did not think this was the moment (Brisan's Funeral). When we were in the planning meeting with our pastor, he asked “do you have a good friend or someone that can do Brisan's eulogy?”. With all of us looking around, I finally spoke up and just shared that “vision” (dislike saying that word in this situation). With talking through it, it seemed that this was my mission at hand. Later that night I started to put the “pen to the pad” or in the 21st century terms… the “finger to the ipad”.

Funeral Service For Brisan

(around the 12 minute mark the service begins) (**Feb 2015 I had to update the video. I've updated the below. I had to remove the intro of the video)

Services were fantastic. There are soooooo many people to thank! Beautiful outcome, weather, and just about everything minus Brisan physically being here. With everything said, more than ever will myself and our family continue to need prayer and support. Sadly we have round 2 with Parker. I just hope his time isn't as quick.






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