Posts Tagged ‘Homecoming’

Brisan, We Miss You Today

Brisan Chocolate Pudding Face


Early this morning on March 4th, 2014 we had to make a decision to “let you be” and allow the process of your homecoming take place. There was not a ounce left that could sway your ravaged body from Niemann-Pick Type C any longer. Your destiny and legacy was cemented with a tremendous impactful that goes further than we can measure.

Today we celebrated you and choked back some tears at times facing the reality of the truth that we can no longer physically give you a hug. Your smile and presence infected so many around you in a great way. What an honor to call you our son. We had this unbelievable privilege to be your dad and mom. Your life reminds us all how “little” time we all can have on earth at any given time. Little did we know that Parker would be with you celebrating so “early” after your homecoming with Jesus. We love you Bubbas! We dearly miss Parker. Give him a big wet willy from all us and check his “ear guke”.

To our friends and family… you've been wonderful. You have provided great leeway in handling our emotions and have provided powerful prayer for our family. No words will be able to thank you enough!

I wanted to make sure we posted something small today.
