Posts Tagged ‘eye’

Keeping an “EYE” on it…

On Monday, I just was fed up with Brisan and the amount that he was sleeping. So I took him back to Children’s Mercy Hospital around 2pm. By 7pm the ED agreed that Brisan was in a ton of pain and needed to be readmitted to the hospital.

This afternoon Brisan has an eye exam and CT while under sedation. Come to find out, after more than a year, Brisan has an acute Corneal infection in his right eye. The doctors said that it is really bad and we are going to have to keep an eye on it (no pun intended). If untreated it can eat a whole through his cornea. So they are starting him on IV antibiotics along with steroids and a Morphine drip for the pain.

Hopefully this will open a ton of doors for Brisan and he will be able to see out of that right eye again! Now we just have to pray that there in no damage to his cornea and that he will cooperate with the medications that we will have to put in his eye until it is better.
