Pete’s Puffs was a success!

Many of you are aware that on Aug. 31st we had a celebration to honor Brisan which normally would have been a big shindig for his birthday. Instead we had food, live music, and a “drive” for donations of Kleenex boxes to honor him. Our goal was 250 boxes to give to Children's Mercy Hospital to help get rid of the sandpaper we had to use during Brisan's homecoming March 3-4th. As Jennifer had stated, “No one should have to use sandpaper to wipe their nose after their kid dies”.

Petes Puffs Donations

Petes Puffs Donations

Brisan would have been 10 years old on August 27th. A bit different in the room that evening because it brings back a lot of memories of past birthday parties we had in that room. We were surrounded by great friends and loved ones who showed their support. Our memories of Brisan right now are of happiness and joyfulness in what has been promised to all of us. He's able to do things he wasn't able to do here on earth.


As of this moment, we have a running total of 539 boxes with more we have been told that are on their way. A bit overwhelming because your kitchen area looks like a storage facility! ha — We sincerely hope this is something little that can go a long ways. Jennifer had a great idea the night Brisan died and she did a wonderful job of pulling this all off. She is owed all the credit for a tremendous idea.

Next Steps

The next steps are to finalize and print the stickers with a message we will be putting on every box! Here is a look at the logo portion that will be on the sticker.

Pete's Puffs logo

Pete's Puffs logo to honor Brisan

Send us a box?

If you would like to send us a box or two or three…. please send us a quick email at info@ and we will get you the appropriate address!

We say thank you to all of you and your prayers!!!!
